Resources for Navigating the Community
Click or Tap Any Header for a List of Resources
Transportation, Community Living Skills Session (via Healthy Community Living): This online session describes the different types of transportation one might take for short and long trips. It also discusses how to best navigate your community and how to be safe while using public transportation. *For this online session, you will need the username and password provided by your CIL staff. Sign in and select the Transportation session.
People with Disabilities (via U.S. Department of Transportation): Click the Accessibility tab on the left side of the website to learn about the different ways of traveling with a disability.
Transportation (via Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund): This resource provides basic information as well as detailed information about public transportation options and requirements under the ADA. See the Topic Guides on ADA Transportation for technical assistance on paratransit and other transportation topics.
Rides In Sight: Use this searchable database to find accessible transportation in your area.
How to Ask Someone for a Ride (via WikiHow): Learn how to politely ask and receive a ride from someone.
Ice Contact: This free online tool, ICE Contact, is a personal safety application that will send instant or delayed messages to friends in case of an emergency if you are out alone. Using an application like this can help you stay safe out in your community.
Uber: Use this resource to sign up for Uber, where you can request and pay for rides on your phone.
Access Now: Use this online accessibility application to find information on accessible locations around the world. Share information you learn about accessibility in your community to make a more informed and educated community and comprehensive resource.
AXS Map: Use this online resources and application to find, rate, and share accessible places in your area.
Ability List: Find and share disability resources, in your hometown and across the country.
Americans with Disabilities Act Fact Sheet (PDF): Learn about this landmark civil rights act for people with disabilities.
2010 Standards for Accessible Design Fact Sheet (PDF): Learn about the regulations for accessible buildings and facilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Making Homes Visitable: A Guide for Wheelchair Users (via Research and Training Center on Independent Living): This resource may help you start the conversation of visitability with your friends and family. It provides guidance on understanding the importance of visitability and how to assess potential barriers to a visit, for guests who use a mobility device and others. This resource also suggests temporary tips and changes that can make a home accessible, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of social gatherings and visits outside their own home.
2-1-1: 2-1-1 is a free and confidential national information and referral service. This site is a good place to start to find information about local resources.
How to find location and get directions with Google Maps (via iMore): This resource walks you through the steps of finding a location and using directions to navigate to places in your community using the Google Maps application.
ICE Contact: This free online tool, ICEContact, is a personal safety application that will send instant or delayed messages to friends in case of an emergency if you are out alone. Using an application like this can help you stay safe out in your community.
ILRU Directory of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and Associations: Find your local Center for Independent Living (CIL) to contact for assistance in gathering information about local transportation and navigation. Select your state on the map provided here locate the CIL nearest you.